

Baby Bump Style Tip - Luxurious Fabrics!

Since becoming pregnant, I have become somewhat of a luxury fabric connoisseur. I realize that my style options will be limited in mid to late pregnancy and that could continue for quite a few months post-partum. To make up for that deficit, I am increasingly drawn to higher end brands and richer fabrics (on sale of course) that will keep me feeling elegant when my figure is anything but!

I now know the difference between fine cotton and modal and have begun beelining towards silk. I recently bought this silk dress in navy from BCBG MAX AZRIA. It has a tie up, elastic waist that will stretch with me for a few more months and accommodate a post-natal belly. It also allows for easy access to the breasts for nursing. I think it would be a great little outfit to greet guests who come to visit the baby!

Here's me in the dark navy version.

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