

17 Weeks!!

Hooray, I am 17 weeks pregnant today! For the most part, I am feeling great, although I still find that I am excessively tired after any significant output of energy and will gladly fall into Rip Van Winkle style naps given half the chance. Isn't exhaustion supposed to ease off in the second trimester? Either way, I am very grateful that the nausea is over and that, while I'm tired, the thought of making it through the work day no longer seems an insurmountable task.

Perhaps the biggest adjustment at the moment is the ...
... the growing lump in my belly that seems to get bigger and harder every few days. I am now officially at the point where I can't lay on my belly without feeling like I'm squashing an organ. While most people don't seem to think I'm showing, clothes simply don't hang like they used to.  I'm now all lumpy where I used to be flat (well maybe not completely flat, but close enough that form fitting clothes looked best on me).  Sporting a big belly is going to be tough - that's for sure, particularly during this stage where I don't really look preggers, just chunky!  I am hoping and praying I'm one of the blessedly few who gain all belly and the rest of my body (which is curvy enough as it is, thank you very much) stays pretty much the same!

So how about the rest of you in the early-mid stages of your second trimester?  How are you feeling about growing that beautiful baby bump?

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